Friday, November 12, 2010

Cheap and Chic: Backyard Beauties

Beautiful hydrangeas from the planter under our family room window....Transformed into indoor decor:

It took some doing to get my husband to plant the hydrangeas a few years ago - he just didn't like them - but I kept telling him that they would add a lot of color in the backyard and he loooves color.  He wasn't feelin' it but he caved and now he really does like them. When we sit on the patio by the cottage, they give us a burst of raspberry color (I have a section of green hydrangeas also and I almost like them better).

The only drawback is that in the Fall they dry out and get long and leggy and really need to be trimmed back.  But before they get to that point, I cut a few and use them inside.  In this picture, I found a container on sale at our local craft store for $19. and, with a bag of moss to anchor the stems, I added my cut hydrangeas.  They will dry like that - in place - and I won't have to do anything more.  And, the best part is:  the artificial versions were selling in the craft store for $8. a stem.  And...mine were free!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your comment on my blog. Your comment was so encouraging to me. I have so many more pictures that I have intended to put on a post and have not. It's been so long since the trip when I thought about posting more I was shy about it. So your comment that you enjoyed them made my day. Your lake house looks wonderful and it sounds like retirement agrees with you. So nice to meet you. Isn't blogging fun? I just love to read about other people and all they are doing. You think about them and they do become friends. Last week I was in Atlanta at an antique show and looked up and recognized a young man from his blog and had the nicest conversation with him and his co-worker. Have a great weekend.
