Well, I'm working on it! At least I have the foundation of the banister decoration done. I do plan on adding a few layers of decor...but...sometimes when I pass by, I think it looks elegant in it's simplicity - the "less is more" option. I kind of like that visual but there's that nagging thought that it's just the easy way out. Soooo....I've been scouting the stores for something else to add to it at a reasonable price and I guess if I don't find anything that pleases me enough, I'll go with the Less Is More.
Then theres' the dining room that I've been working on. It sure would be quicker if I used the same materials the way I did last year but I can never do that - I always have to re-design things using the same parts. This year the ornaments went into the dining room candle holders:
These holly sprigs were in the entry last year in a large vase but this year they're in the living room in an old green thing that was sitting in a cabinet. It looks OK - better at night:
And, last of all is the entry hall...showcasing the basket of poinsettias I've had for ages - the ones I I keep moving around ever Christmas. They look great at night under the lamps, though. I didn't have these lamps here last year so it's a different look. (If you can't buy something new, just move the other stuff around...that's my theory. And if you have 3 kids whose college educations have drained your bank account, it's the only thing you can do!!)
The entry:
I'm a less is more kind of decorator myself so I love your stairway as is. It's gorgeous, the winding curve!! Love your Christmas pretties.